Distribution & Aglomeration of Bussiness In Education Area (Case Study of Jember University Area)

Erica Ferry Sukma Sitepu, SE, M.Si, Erica and Rozy Khadafi, SE., M.Si, Rozy and Dyah Ayu Puspitaningrum, SE, M.Si, Dyah Distribution & Aglomeration of Bussiness In Education Area (Case Study of Jember University Area). Distribution & Aglomeration of Bussiness In Education Area (Case Study of Jember University Area), 6. ISSN 2643-976X

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Business in the broadest sense is a general term that describes activity and institution that produces goods and services in everyday life. The Region is a space which is a geographical unit along with all related elements at the boundary and the system is determined based on administrative aspects and functional aspects. Urban area is an area that has the main activity not agriculture with the arrangement of functions of the area as urban settlements, centralization and distribution of government services, social services and economic activity services. In the context of geographic economics, the concept of agglomeration is related to the spatial concentration of the population and economic activity. This is in line with what Iskandar said in Kuncoro (2007) that agglomeration is the spatial concentration of economic activity in urban areas because of the savings due to adjacent locations that are associated with spatial clusters of companies, workers, and consumers. The Region is a space which is a geographical unit along with all related elements at the boundary and the system is determined based on administrative aspects and functional aspects. Urban area is an area that has the main activity not agriculture with the arrangement of functions of the area as urban settlements, centralization and distribution of government services, social services and economic activity services. Educational an area is a place that has the characteristics and specificity of conducting educational activities. In addition to conducting educational activities, this also provides benefits for economic activities. These economic activities can be in the form of goods and services which can provide convenience for the surrounding community and many types of businesses that can be developed around the area. Therefore, business people must understand the development of a region or region to be made a place of business. Regions that have a carrying capacity in business development will have a large influence on income. Not only that the selection of business places also provides benefits to consumers at affordable prices and strategic places are things that are considered by consumers to choose a suitable and suitable place, so that consumers feel satisfied and traders can compete with other traders in marketing their products. The University of Jember is said to be an educational area because of the area influences in supporting educational activities. The University of Jember is also called an agglomeration area because it is related to the spatial concentration of the population and economic activities.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
L Education > L Education (General)
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email uptti.umsj@gmail.com
Date Deposited: 13 Dec 2023 12:45
Last Modified: 14 Dec 2023 12:27
URI: http://repo.umsj.ac.id/id/eprint/11

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